Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Meaning of 'Work'

Sabbatical year suppose to be a work-free period of time.  But we never know how things happen in life, rite?  So in the spirit of living a life full of surprises, let's talk about job *sigh*

I got the first consultation offer in the third week of July.  That offer is actually had been discussed when I was still a full time employee.  But I never think that will be seriously followed up by the organisation :)  I, off course, reluctanly accept it.  But this is the thing about me: it is hard for me to say 'NO' to certain people.  And my ex boss is one of those *another sigh*  Luckily, the contract is as usual very late to be prepared.  That was kind of buy in time hehehe...

But there come another offer: translate document from English to Bahasa Indonesia.  And I thought: why not!?  Up to now, I translated 3 documents and bunch of powerpoint slides without sacrificing the luxury of not going to 'work'.

I think taking jobs during sabbatical year is not ideal but also not a harmful thing to do as long as we stick to the rules hahaha... Here are my rules:

First: the offer does not require you to spend time sitting down in office space for more than 3 hours.
My next consultation agreement requires me to facilitate one day briefing/training.  But it will be conducted in a meeting room at a hotel.  Major failure but I cannot expel it from the whole agreement so I have to make peace with it.  Meanwhile others are perfect since I even don't need to have direct contact whatsoever with the contact person.

Second: it has to be different from what you usually do in the past.  In my case I avoid strategic thinking, writing strategic paper, analysing, brainstorming type of activities, and policy making thingy.  Those have to be put in the past.  I even don't want to 'think' hahahaha...

Third: it has to give you freedom of time.  My translating jobs have deadlines.  I know I can do 15-20 pages a day but I always put additional days in the term to be agreed with the user.  Because 15-20 pages is 8 hours work a day.  And I am not doing 8 hours a day anymore.  I once got an offer for urgent finalisation with double the fee.  I did not take it because...why should I if that requires me to work after 5 pm?  Hehehe...

Fourth: it has to be about things you love and enjoy doing.  I am trained and can facilitate children consultation but I know I won't enjoy doing physical activities.  My preference is sitting quietly therefore translating documents is a perfect choice :)

Four criteria and I am happy so far.  I don't have to meet people.  I don't have to sit down in an office environment.  I don't have to work more than 5 hours a day.  By far none has been paid (I don't send any invoice as well) but I don't mind with it.  Because ultimately, my intention of taking those jobs is not to earn money.  It is more like keeping my brain to be active, myself to be current, and ensuring that I have interesting discussion with the guy I am having an affair with hahaha... affair????   Okay let's discuss about it next time!  For the time being.. stay gorgeous as always ;)


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